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Total price $ 14,524.00

Product Description


We specialize in building Easily Transportable Wireless Systems For Theatre or Performance

Our Rack'D TOUR READY 8 channel QLXD system is built around 8xQLXD14 digital over UHF systems with receivers (1/2 width 1u rack) and transmitter bodypacks plus a industry standard active antenna distribution system (CA.D29), Uninterruptible Power Supply and Forced Cooling System  -all this built into a an SKB Shock Mount Rolling Case )  or ATA Shock Mount Rolling case


Our systems always cost less than the sum of the parts using Shure products throughout, but provide the same level of performance:

Tour Grade system uses our active Creative Audio CA.D29 dual 9 way antenna  distribution system so the whole system runs on just 2 x antennas, and bodymics Broadway BLF4 lavalier/hairline microphone elements.

From Sweetwater - Shure equivalents

  • 8x Shure QLXD14 receiver and bodypack sytems @ $999.00 =   7,992.00
  • 2x Shure UA845 active antenna distribution units @    614.00 =   1,228.00
  • 2x Shure UA874US LPDA directional antennas      @    404.00 =     808.00       
  • 10x Shure WL93 tan/black lavalier microphones     @   83.00  =       830.00
  • 1x Surge Protector                                                       @1799.95 =    1,799.95
  • 1x Forced Cooling System                                        @  795.00 =        795.00
  • 1x SKB 10u Shock Mount Case                                @  972.99 -        972.99
  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • TOTAL                                                                                             $15,625.94

If you purchased all the items including internal wiring, hardware etc it could cost close to $20K but we are charging just $14,899.00 - around $700 less but then we include the the labor to unpack, assemble, test and ship, and we also include the following:

  • Power'D Power Supply system that gets rid of the 8 wall warts and replaces them with a single powerhouse supply - save over $120
  • our premium XLR loom - 8 cables 10ft long - value over $120
  • Antenna In/Out Panel
  • a Pair of 25ft BNC-BNC cables for remote antennas (or 15ft + 50ft)
  • Network Switch to link the receivers together for group frequency scan and firmware updates
  • assembly - put everything into the rack, cable it and test it - around $700
    • order and gather all the necessary parts 
    • unpack everything 
    • assemble the QLXD4 receivers - add rack ears/joiners 
    • unpack the SKB R4S rack and prep for use
    • bolt the QLXD4 receivers into rack
    • mount the Power'D power supply system 
    • mount the active antenna distributor and cable 
    • mount and cable the network switch
    • fit Antenna Panel
    • connect the XLR looms to each receiver and anchor to rack 
    • attach channel numbers to each receiver and each transmitter 
    • run group scan at our location 
    • sync the transmitters to it's matching receiver 
    • connect the XLR outputs into a test sound system 
    • unpack the 10 microphones, connect each to a transmitter , and test that each microphone, transmitter and receiver works as specifies
    • repack for shipping


Other microphone and case options are available - contact for a quote 



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